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Copywriting with SEO: URT Group website

URT webURT Group designs and manufactures composite parts and structures for hi-tech industries including aerospace, automotive, defence, and motorsport.

Copywriting with SEO

On behalf of URT, I project-managed the creation of an all-new website, determining its content and basic structure before a web developer mapped-out the detailed architecture and built the site. As the website copywriter, I weaved-in key words and phrases for search engine optimisation, to enhance the number of site visits from potential clients in URT’s target industry sectors. SEO-focused words and phrases were also integrated, inconspicuously wherever possible, in all subsequent copywriting I did for the site, including news stories, case studies and blogs. As I contributed to this website until mid-2014, you can still see much of my writing on it. The style is plain and clear, for online readers hurrying for information and verification of URT’s ability, and some of the writing has to explain complex technical processes simply.

For URT Group I was also newsletter copywriter. Twice a year, digital newsletters were emailed to URT’s clients and prospects. These contained the headlines and compelling introductions to five or six stories, with a ‘read more’ button after each introduction clicking-through to the full story on URT’s website. This approach succeeded in tempting e-newsletter recipients to stray into other areas of the website and learn more about URT.

By studying each newsletter’s post-broadcast analytics, it was possible to see how much interest the stories attracted. This data helped refine the contents and emphasis of future e-newsletters, further improving the e-shot open rates.


Website designed by PRG Ltd.