The Energy Saving Trust (EST) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation funded the government and the private sector. The EST promotes energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the sustainable use of energy by helping householders, governments, businesses and organisations save energy every day.
My PR service
The EST contacted me in my role as account director at marketing communications agency PRG, following a recommendation of my PR work for the East Sussex Energy Partnership. The EST wanted to promote National Energy Saving Week and the fact that councils in East Sussex were offering grants for home insulation. The remit, with a very modest budget, was to generate media coverage in the region.
By thinking up a quirky concept for a photograph, it was possible to enliven a story that was worthy but potentially dull. A photocall was arranged and regional media were contacted to be informed what they could expect. The carefully staged photo showed key council members in scientific-looking white coats unravelling a giant roll of insulation material, with the county’s most recognisable landmark, Brighton Pavilion, immediately behind them. Coverage resulted in key regional newspapers and on the regional TV evening news programme.